10 Reasons VR And AR Won’t Be Replacing Humans For Experiential Events In 2024 (Or Anytime Soon.)

By Clare Brind Account Manager


Is it possible for experiential marketing events to thrive without the presence of human connections?

Experiential Events In 2024, we start the look ahead. How much technology are you using at your events? Can improving technology replicate the human connection?

 We find it intriguing how technology has seamlessly integrated into these events, particularly through the use of virtual reality (VR) and augmented reality (AR). These advanced tools have revolutionised our ability to engage with audiences, providing unprecedented opportunities to enhance experiences, bring brand messages to life, and take consumers anywhere in the world.

However, as with any technological advancement, questions arise alongside the solutions. A recent article in The Guardian titled “Birmingham Royal Ballet Uses Virtual Reality To Make Dance More Accessible” explores the potential impact of this innovative approach. The article raises concerns about whether we become so engrossed in headsets that we lose touch with each other.

So, what prevents technology from completely replacing human interaction? Can experiential events successfully operate without human connections? Does this mean an end to brand ambassadors and event staff on such occasions?

These are valid questions considering the rise of VR and AR technologies. However, there are several reasons why humans will continue to play a crucial role in experiential marketing events.

10 Reasons VR And AR Won’t Be Replacing Humans For Experiential Events In 2024 

  1. Emotional Connection: VR and AR can simulate environments and interactions, but they can’t replicate the emotional depth of human interaction. Genuine emotions, empathy, and human responses are essential for establishing meaningful connections
  2. Context and Interpretation: Human connection provides context and interpretation. A nuanced conversation, a comforting touch, or a shared experience adds layers of meaning that technology alone cannot convey.
  3. Non-Verbal Communication: A significant portion of communication is non-verbal: facial expressions, body language, and tone of voice. These subtleties contribute to understanding and building trust, which technology currently struggles to replicate.
  4. Social Needs: Human beings are social creatures. We thrive on shared experiences, conversations, and the sense of belonging that comes from real-world interactions.
  5. Unpredictability and Adaptability: Humans are highly adaptive and intuitive in unexpected situations. In contrast, technology like VR and AR can only respond within their programmed boundaries.
  6. Personal Touch: Human touch, gestures, and physical presence contribute to a personal touch that is difficult for technology to replace.
  7. Cultural and Emotional Intelligence: Humans possess cultural awareness and emotional intelligence, which are crucial in various situations, from negotiations to comforting someone in need.
  8. Relationship Building: Building deep and lasting relationships requires the intricacies of human connection. Trust, loyalty, and rapport are developed over time through shared experiences.
  9. Overcoming Miscommunication: Human connection allows for real-time clarification of misunderstandings and misinterpretations, which can be challenging in virtual spaces.
  10. Innovation and Creativity: Human collaboration often leads to innovative ideas and creative solutions. The diverse perspectives and spontaneous brainstorming sessions are essential for progress.


While VR and AR undoubtedly bring exciting possibilities for experiential marketing events, they cannot replace the value generated by genuine human connections during these immersive experiences.

As we navigate this evolving landscape where technology continues advancing rapidly, the integration of both technological innovations alongside meaningful human interactions holds great promise – enabling us to deliver personalised experiences driven by emotional resonance while incorporating cutting-edge tools into our strategies

If you would like to work with HEL’s on your next experiential event or activation then please get in touch [email protected]

Photos: Richard Hanson/HansonImages

Experiential event room - plush red carpet, leather chairs, fireplace and whiskey glasses laid out with VR headsets


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